pure Drinking water Project at school

pure Drinking water Project at school

Project Overview:
The Pure Water Filter with Water Tank project, generously donated by Mr. Katsuta Fumitaka from Japan, has significantly improved the water quality at Janki English Boarding School in Babarganj-02, Sarlahi. The project, implemented on 3rd November 2022, aimed to address the health concerns of the students caused by drinking unfiltered water. With the installation of a water filter system, pipes, and a water tank, the project has provided access to clean and pure drinking water, benefiting over 200 students, teachers, and staff members.

Project Description:
The Pure Water Filter with Water Tank project was initiated at Janki English Boarding School in Babarganj-02, Sarlahi, with the objective of improving the water quality and ensuring the well-being of the students, teachers, and staff members.

Prior to the project, the school faced a major issue as children were consuming unfiltered water, leading to various health problems. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Mr. Katsuta Fumitaka witnessed the conditions and graciously decided to support the school. His generous donation included a state-of-the-art water filter machine, pipes for distribution, and a water tank to facilitate the supply of clean water.

On 3rd November 2022, the project was implemented, with the installation of the water filter system, pipes, and the water tank. The school authorities ensured that the entire system was set up in an efficient and sustainable manner, guaranteeing a consistent supply of pure drinking water.

The impact of the project has been remarkable. With the new water filter system in place, the school now provides clean and safe drinking water to over 200 students, teachers, and staff members. The installation of pipes and the water tank has streamlined the distribution process, ensuring that everyone has easy access to the filtered water.

The project has not only addressed the immediate health concerns but also created a long-term solution for the school. By providing pure drinking water, the project has reduced the risk of waterborne diseases and improved the overall well-being of the school community. Students can now focus on their studies without worrying about falling ill due to contaminated water.

The school community is immensely grateful to Mr. Katsuta Fumitaka for his generous donation and his commitment to improving the lives of the students. His contribution has made a lasting impact on the school, and they proudly share the success of this project with others.

The Pure Water Filter with Water Tank project at Janki English Boarding School has been a transformative initiative, made possible by the generous donation from Mr. Katsuta Fumitaka. By addressing the issue of unfiltered water and its adverse effects on the health of the students, the project has made a significant difference in the lives of over 200 students, teachers, and staff members.

Through the installation of a water filter system, pipes, and a water tank, the project has ensured a consistent supply of clean and safe drinking water within the school premises. This has reduced the risk of waterborne diseases and improved the overall well-being of the school community.

The school expresses deep gratitude to Mr. Katsuta Fumitaka for his extraordinary contribution and his commitment to the welfare of the students. His support has not only solved an immediate problem but also provided a sustainable solution for the future. The school proudly shares the success of this project and the positive impact it has had on the lives of the students and staff members.

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